Thursday, September 24, 2009


Boba Fett

So this is pretty much the ultimate in Bobas. The UbaBoba. Just a great looking figure, accurate as far as I can tell, if you ignore the fact his rifle is all warped. Probably my fault anyways for leaving it like that.
Came with his dad and great-great-great-grandad in an Evolutions pack.

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10:28 PM link Posted by Homie Bear

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Gamorrean Guard

Return of the Jedi had so many great aliens and Kenner cranked out some good ones- for the time anyways. One of my faves was this Gamorrean guard. I think I had two. This one I got last fall at a toy convention, it was $5 being incomplete and loose and not really mint. The battleax he has is borrowed from Gimli the Dwarf, who has a plethora of axes and was happy to lend one.
It would be nice to have a real gamorrean guarding my fridge and all my snacks, but then he would probably just eat them all himself.

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11:48 AM link Posted by Homie Bear

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Landing Pad Security Trooper

I like the ROTS clones a lot. Maybe even better than Stormtroopers. They're just a little more streamlined and symmetrical. Well, that might be blasphemy to some. I really like the grey on the trooper in the foreground, who appeared for a second or two in Sith on a landing pad, hence his landing pad security moniker. I'm not sure if I got that exactly right but close enough. The other guy is just your standard issue clone from that era.


2:11 PM link Posted by Homie Bear

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Ganner Keig

I had to look up on the googles this guy's name. He's an Imperial Knight from the Star Wars Legacy series. which I really enjoy. But it's hard to keep track of everyone's names. The design of the Imperial Knights is fantastic- part royal guard, part, umm, Jedi. Which is what they are, the Emperor's bodyguards. They have colorless lightsabers, which is maybe the only weak part of their design, but at least it's unique.

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1:54 PM link Posted by Homie Bear

Friday, September 11, 2009

Captain Rex

So this guy was supposedly a mail away exclusive, though you could get a nearly identical figure right from the first wave of Clone Wars figures that came out. The difference was, this one was clean as opposed to battle damaged. Meh.
I know these clones are thought very highly in the collector community, all super articulated and all that, but I never really got into them too much. Don't like the helmets, just not quite right. OH well. If you put him up next to some glitter you can hardly even tell, right?

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1:44 PM link Posted by Homie Bear

These are some of Homie Bear's Star Wars figures. Gotta do something with them right? This page is powered by Blogger.