Thursday, November 12, 2009


Through the magic of photography it looks like I have two ARFers but really they are just one. I would have bought two if there were two, but there was only one and he was a little on the expensive side to boot. Comic shop rather than a chain store.
Is this the sharpest looking CG CW clone yet? I would say so. Great helmet, kind of mean looking (even if they are more nervous looking in the photos). Since I just got me Clone Wars DVD set the other day I haven't seen any episodes with him yet. I guess they drive AT-RTs. I drive a Saturn Ion but I would trade it for an RT and one of those helmets any day.

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11:54 PM link Posted by Homie Bear

These are some of Homie Bear's Star Wars figures. Gotta do something with them right? This page is powered by Blogger.