Thursday, March 11, 2010


Say you were a Jedi and you could go anywhere in the galaxy to live in any culture you chose- which one would you go to? I'm thinking hanging out with the mon calamari and quarrens might be kind of cool. But Sharad Hett decided to go to Tatooine to live with the Tusken Raiders, and that's not a bad choice either.
So this guy was a character in a pretty cool arc of the Star Wars series that was launched when Episode I came out. Sharad dies but his son lives on and eventually becomes Darth Krayt. Anyways, for some reason Dark Horse never realized that red lightsabers were reserved for Sith lords, so lots of Jedis had redeyes. Which is cool because in Hett's case it wasn't clear at first if he was good or bad. He was good. And so was his son, until he became bad.

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8:59 PM link Posted by Homie Bear

These are some of Homie Bear's Star Wars figures. Gotta do something with them right? This page is powered by Blogger.